Freelance interpreter to and from English, French and Italian.
Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting, chuchotage.
Specialised translator of texts.
I am based in Rome and I provide my services in Italy and abroad,
during conferences, events, delegation trips, meetings.
In addition to offering interpretation and translation services in my working languages,
I provide assistance in recruiting interpreters and translators
in any language required and in renting technical equipment.
I guarantee a faithful and accurate interpretation, expressing the real intentions of the speakers. I have a wide knowledge of technical and specialist languages and ensure absolute discretion in the case of confidential or sensitive content.
The interpretation takes while the speaker is making his speech. I work in an acoustically isolated booth, with a colleague in the case of meetings lasting more than one hour. In the meeting room the speaker speaks into the microphone, I receive the sound through the headphones and translate the speech by speaking into the microphone. The audience listens to the interpretation through headphones, being able to choose the desired language channel.
The interpretation begins after the speaker has finished speaking, after each pause or after ten-minute sections of speech. I sit with the speakers and listen to the speech and, at the end, I reproduce it in another language, usually taking notes. Consecutive interpreting is required for a certain type of meetings and events (e.g. press conferences, meetings, conferences where only one participant speaks in a language other than the language chosen for the conference, etc.).
Simultaneous whispered interpretation. I sit next to the listeners and perform the interpretation by speaking directly into their ears. Chuchotage interpretation can only be used for a small number of participants who are sitting very close to each other. This technique is used in bilateral meetings or in groups where only a few listeners do not master the chosen language.
I interpret simultaneously using a portable device (the Bidule) and a microphone, plus headphones for the listeners. I am in the same room as the speakers and not in simultaneous interpreting booths. Interpretation with Bidule is only possible when the meeting room has good acoustics and there are not too many participants.
I interpret simultaneously by whispering in the ear of the speakers (chuchotage), consecutively at the end of each intervention or with the help of a mobile device for simultaneous interpretation without booth (bidule) during restricted meetings involving two or more people, business negotiations, institutional talks, working lunches, delegation visits, language mediation during trade fairs, etc..
I interpret remotely an event in real time through an internet connection and a portal, an app that replaces the traditional booth console, via skype or by phone. Speakers and audience can also be located remotely and participate in the meeting via a portal, an app, via Skype or by phone, thus virtualizing the entire event.
... Alternatively, I can interpret a videoconference by going to the place where some of the speakers are located (in company headquarters or customers' offices). Or you can rent a booth for simultaneous interpretation that is remotely connected to the event, in the case of conferences with many participants.
Finally, it is possible to involve more than one interpreter depending on the duration of the videoconference and the languages required. This service is ideal during videoconferences, audio-conferences, conference calls, meetings, courses. Please contact me to find together the ideal technology for your videoconference: Contacts
Faithful and accurate translation of written texts, thanks to my extensive knowledge of the language, but also of the culture that generated that language. I transfer nuances and linguistic register, so that in the target language everything reflects the original and at the same time is natural and clear. In the case of specialist and technical texts (legal, scientific, religious, etc.) I make use of a wealth of knowledge and terms acquired over years of technical and specialised translations, scrupulously developed through reading, study and collaboration with professionals in various fields.
I work regularly with a wide network of high-level professionals in my field, with whom I can put you in contact in order to offer simultaneous, consecutive and chuchotage interpreting services, as well as translation of texts, from and into any language required.
I work regularly with excellent audio/video service companies, to which I can request to provide you with technical equipment for simultaneous interpretation (simultaneous interpreting booths, headphones, so-called Bidule portable devices, etc.).
The fee for interpretation services varies according to the duration of the assignment (half day, full day, several days), language combinations, the number of interpreters required, possible additional costs in case of assignments outside Rome or the rental of technical equipment.
The fee for translation services varies according to the languages required and the length of the texts.
Contact me to request a quote: Link to contacts
Eccellente professionista con esperienza e doti spiccate. Entusiasta, comunicativa, avvalersi delle sue capacità è un piacere.
La dottoressa Marchetti ha garantito la migliore comunicazione tra discussant in occasione di meeting internazionali di rilevante importanza politica ed istituzionale, restituendo ai protagonisti le necessarie sfumature del dibattito.
Meticolosa nelle traduzioni e sempre puntuale nei tempi realizzazione dei lavori. In occasione del Semestre italiano di Presidenza Ue del 2014 ha garantito professionalità e competenza in ogni lavoro svolto.
La mia carriera mi ha portato in giro per il mondo e soprattutto in America il più delle volte dovendo parlare nelle aule magne delle Università o negli Istituti Italiani di Cultura avevo bisogno di interpreti, per esperienza fatta mi sono reso conto che anche se pur bravi questi Professionisti erano in difficoltà nel tradurre termini prettamente musicali e tecnici, l'anno passato invitato a tenere una Master Class a Roma all'Accademia "Aria di Musica" ho chiesto essendo la Masrer Internazionale, di avere una interprete, sapendo che il problema sopra citato si sarebbe nuovamente ripresentato, ma con mia grande sorpresa la mia collaboratrice Claudia Marchetti, dimostrò non solo le sue straordinarie capacità immediate del tradurre ma riportava a tutti gli allievi le mie indicazioni, vi assicuro non facili, sia tecniche sia musicali che di interpretazione dei brani studiati, rimasi estasiato, e Le feci tanti complimenti per la sua cultura anche musicale, da allora ho sempre chiamato lei a collaborare al mio fianco come traduttrice di testi e come interprete nelle grandi occasioni musicali.
Claudia è una giovane interprete, seria e competente. Per UNIMED, ha svolto negli ultimi tre anni, diversi lavori di interpretariato dall'italiano al francese e viceversa, ma anche dall'inglese al francese, con estrema puntualità e precisione, disponibile anche a trasferte all'estero. La sua profonda conoscenza del mestiere, la sua esperienza, le sue competenze tecniche e linguistiche, nonché le sue doti interpersonali la rendono un'interprete di grande professionalità e affidabilità.
Claudia Marchetti Interprete di conferenza e traduttrice |
Cellulare +39 333 4921359 |
Email |
Codice Fiscale MRCCLD84T42E472Q |
Partita IVA 02695480596 |